TRBPS School Strategic and Annual Implementation Plans

School Strategic Plan 2022-2026 and Annual Implementation Plan 2023

At Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School we aim to develop a culture where the pursuit of individual learning is viewed as an on-going partnership in which all members of the school community are involved. Student Learning and Student Wellbeing are the primary focus however emphasis is also placed on the learning by staff, parents and the school community. A safe, caring and challenging environment coupled with a positive attitude to learning are key components of our school culture.

Through engaging, inclusive curriculum we strive to reflect our school values and ‘live’ our guiding statement-

“To provide the highest quality educational program and environment for our students.”

The School Values and Codes of Practice have been developed in consultation with the students, staff and parents of Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School.  The development of our school values has been student led and endorsed by staff and School Council.

The values reflect student voice through the Student Representative Council, and students in all classes have contributed to determining the expected behaviours (Codes of Practice) for each school value.

The new School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan: