School Communication

TRBPS News and events

Important news items and activity information can be found in the fortnightly newsletter on a THURSDAY. It is available to be read on the Compass Portal or on the School Website.

Compass portal is used as main source of school information presented throughout the week. Other areas, such as P-2 teachers use See-Saw for direct class information to parents/carers and guardians. Years 3-6 teachers use Compass for parents/carers and guardians and the Google classroom to post information for students.

School Events are posted on the Compass Portal, and this is where you can also pay for events such as excursions and incursions.

Student Achievement Reports are also sent out via the Compass Portal in June and December each year.

Whole School Assembly

We have a Whole School Assembly each Friday where teachers and children present sports results, various news items and values awards. It is a place where students also perform and sing along to various songs and instruments they are learning in Music/Performing Arts. The TRBPS School Leaders host our Assemblies alongside the Principal and AP. This takes place from 2:50until 3:30pm. Each assembly takes place in the school sports and recreation centre. Certificates are awarded each week at assembly to children displaying the school values.

As this is an important aspect of school life, we ask parents/carers and guardians who join the assembly area to respect the formality of the occasion, joining in the Acknowledgement of Country and the Australian National Anthem.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Students in years 3-6 elect representatives from their grade to represent them on the SRC. These representatives make suggestions regarding student issues which are then taken to the School Council for consideration.

Buddy System

Year Prep and Year 5 students participate in a Buddy Program to assist in the transition of children from pre-school to school environment. The program also aims to assist positive peer behaviour and the development of language, social and thinking skills.